Monday, April 4, 2011

my brain hurts.

_-3618_-3621_-3626imagine the pure joy i felt when i walked into my test today only to have the entire back row crack up laughing at the sight of me. i stressed my way though my weekend in preparation for the 4 hour death trap of a test i had today. if you look up you may notice a slightly deranged looking girl pointing at a left hand which happens to be attached to her. no she’s not pointing at an engagement ring, but a sweet drawing of her hand bones. these bones might have been drawn on her during a certain conference where her boyfriend may have gotten a bit stir crazy and began doodling on her skin. little did she know that she had the capability to put on two bracelets and a watch without noticing that her lack of showering left her sweet tat upon her hand/arm(yes i have a ulna and radius in addition to my hand bones + no i dont shower everyday, call me gross). my classmates didnt realize the huge advantage i had today, being able to remember that there are bones in my hand during the test. suckers. wait that makes me a cheater…


Unknown said...

haha that is hilarious!! sounds like something i would do, not realise it was there still..ha ahh well, it wasn't cheating if you didn't draw it on...


Alexis Kaye said...

hahaha you are so funny! He's a pretty good artist! So funny, I was just thinking today about how I wanted to hear a blog from you!

kate said...

you are so beautiful, cami.

Unknown said...

love it. pretty sweet of him to help you out like that :)

you are gorgeous!

Natalie said...

HAHA. When my dad was prepping for a huge amputation surgery he performed he made me come in the office as he took his surgical pen and marked up my whole shoulder so he could practice where he was going to cut.

..that stuff took 4.3 scrubs to get off.

Jenna said...

I don't shower every day, either! Oh well!

Found your blog from Busy Bee. :) You take amazing photos! I heart Arizona, too. I'm never leaving.