Monday, October 18, 2010

knee deep snow.

bradyfaceCIMG7198 i’ve stopped coasting through life. waiting for happiness to come to me, im reaching out and grabbing it. it’s my constant goal to stop expecting so much of others.  if we better ourselves to the point where others imperfect actions (which is only human) dont affect us, we arent as fragile. and in turn, we can lift others. we can act and not just be acted upon. i’ve found that there is so much joy to be felt, if we just let it into our lives. sometimes i feel that i’ve become callused, but i think a better description is that i’ve become more whole, and less reliant on others to feel happiness.

in relief society yesterday the lesson was on repentance. a sister raised her hand and said, “i think forgiving others when they havent apologized is a load of crap!” my inner jaw dropped. i thought, how frustrating it must be to live with a constant grudge because someone has wronged you. obviously this was a fresh wound talking, but i couldnt help but raise my hand. it’s freeing really, to forgive even if the offender hasnt asked for forgiveness or apologized. you are kept from harboring feelings of anger and letting them eat away at your from the inside out. and i strongly feel that if you understand the depth of the atonement, this practice becomes habit, and again becomes freeing.

pic on our mexican beach. i call it ours cause we’re typically the only ones on it. love me some vaca.


Alycia Grayce (Crowley Party) said...

great post :)

Mandy said...

Agreed. I'm glad you are finding freedom.

Auntie Em said...

loved it!

Natalie said...

Cami. I tell you this every time I talk to you. But you amaze me and inspire me to be a better person.

mindy said...

its so true. forgiveness changes everything. it lets you love more deeply. love yourself. it lets the ones you forgave, live. it give them somewhat of a weight off their shoulders. It helps them to be more honest. When you are so open and forgiving, how can they not? ok, i'm rambling.

you write so eloquently. i love reading it. thanks cami. for this lovely reminder.

Unknown said...

Love this. Freedom is what its all about.

Brittany said...

freedom is perhaps the best feeling i've felt in the past year. it's hard to find, but you know, it feels so so good. i love everything about this post. thanks for writing it.

and YES, let's be blog friends. i've been so MIA as well.

angela hardison said...

yes. yes. freedom.

this was beautiful.