Sunday, January 2, 2011

a new year.


::11 resolutions for 2011::

1. eat good food always. a given, my motto for life.

2. take more pictures of my everyday adventures.

3. take chances and get hurt. (sounds weird…but fear of failure is a doozy to get over)

4. train for and run a half marathon. scary.

5. study so i can give patients the care they need and deserve. (fear of failure is rampant here)

6. fall hard for a boy. again, scary.

7. read my scriptures daily. sometimes i seriously stink at this. it’s oh so importante.

8. have less expectations. (this sounds like an anti-resolution resolution)

9. read books that make my heart hurt.

10. be happy.

11. crowd surf. oh wait…..

mememecrowd did that. in the first few minutes of 2011 in fact. :) happy new year!


Brittany said...

crowd surfing? you are amazing. and beautiful, as always.

and i have the same fear...of failure. i'm working on it too.

Auntie Em said...

love love love this! I am sure you offer excellent patient care

Shay said...

LOVE numbers 1, 4, and 6! I am training for a number 4, myself! Have you had the Neopolitan shake from In N Out yet?! That would help with #1:-) Love you, Cam- You are BE-A-U-TIFUL!

misshannie said...

There are some great resolutions there! Good luck with them all!

I hope 2011 is a fabulous year for you.

Much love
Hannie - Tea and Biscuits

Natalie said...

=] be my forever-friend, plz.

angela hardison said...

i love that quote. and these are some mighty fine resolutions.

you are extra awesome for crowd surfing.

Mandy said...

You crowd surfed? Awesome. Knowing you (well kind of) I know you can do this.

Kayla Roussel said...

haha im wearing that exact same shirt right now!! ps your crowd surfing is pretty much AMAZING!!