Thursday, January 13, 2011

rocks and daggers.

_-508_-5012_-495im packing.





-a case of diet coke. duh.

*can you put diet coke in a camelback?

-inhaler… :( dang you asthma.

-warm warm warm clothes.

-can you pack excitement? cause i am.

-some of the coolest people i know.

can you guess what im packing for? see you next week. :)


Auntie Em said...

I have no idea, I'm guessing a camping trip or a hike. it sounds wonderful. Pack some excitement for me and send it my way.

Shay said...

Are you going backpacking Cami?!! In pink shorts, nonetheless! If so,you are my hero. Even more so if you take a whole case of diet coke. Go you!

angela hardison said...

i'm going to guess hiking somewhere neat.

i've been wanting to go to the grand canyon, and also page, UT to the vermillion cliffs. so maybe it's there?

can't wait to see photos of your adventure.